NDP Nieuwsmedia is the trade organization for Dutch news media companies. Public affairs, media research and education are core activities.
Established in 1908 as the association of Dutch newspaper publishers, NDP Nieuwsmedia now represents multimedia news companies that publish quality content on a wide range of (digital) platforms.
In 2010 the association opened its membership for news companies that originate from outside the newspaper industry.
News media: journalism and business
NDP Nieuwsmedia aims to:
- create awareness of the crucial function of independent news media in a democratic society
- represent and defend journalistic interests of the member companies and to favour pluralism
- pursue maximum legal and commercial space for member companies
Public affairs, media research, education
NDP Nieuwsmedia is active in the following fields:
- public affairs (on national and, through News Media Europe, on EU level)
- collective services (social affairs, self regulation)
- advertising market (research, audience measurement)
- media literacy (news in education) through Nieuws in de klas